Police Station Representative Directory
Get Work As A Police Station Representative
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There are various ways of getting jobs as a police station rep. Most of depend on whether you wish to work freelance or in an employed position. Clearly the type of approach you take depends on what you wish to achieve at the end. Whilst this website is mainly aimed at the freelance police station rep we have some tips if you wish to achieve a position in a Criminal Defence firm.
(1) Obtain your police station accreditation status first
You are far more valuable and thus more employable if you approach any potential employer having completed your police station accreditation first. It can take up to 18 months to train a person without accreditation to a standard so that they are able pass the various written; oral and portfolio parts of the police station accreditation scheme. Most Criminal Defence firms cannot afford to subsidise an unqualified person for that period. The more experience you have in criminal law the quicker you will find a position.
(2) Write to Criminal Defence Firms only
It is no good writing to a conveyancing only firm expecting to land a job in criminal defence. Consult the Law Society directory of Solicitors to see which firms are accredited in Criminal Law in the area you wish to practice in. By definition firms in larger cities i.e London and who are bigger are more likely to have more opening. e.g. In the Isle of Wight there are only to my knowledge 4 criminal defence firms.
(3) Tailor your CV
Any practice that is in the process of considering whether to employ you will want to know how you will benefit their organisation. Talking about Mountain Climbing in your C.V. will not make you first choice.
What experience have you had? Have you done unpaid work in any criminal practices to see what its like? Why do you want to be a Criminal Lawyer
(4) Research the firm
Most firms have websites. This usually tells you a great deal about the organisation. Do your research and incorporate it in your application.
(5) Persist, Persist, Persist
Criminal law vacancies especially at the lower end are hugely oversubscribed. Many people wish to become lawyers, especially after seeing exciting TV dramas. The reality is somewhat different but if youy wish to achieve a position in this field persistence is the key.